Demo projects for Juce Japan books.
Project Name : JUCE JAPAN DEMO
License : GPL v3
The JUCE JAPAN DEMO is demo projects regarding to the book named “JUCE JAPAN”.
JUCE JAPAN is a textbook for learning audio plugin development with JUCE.
I have built under Windows and Mac OS X.
Windows Build Instructions
- Clone this repository.
- Open a directory with the name regarding to the book numbering.
- Run “Projucer.exe” executable included in “Juce” directory.
- Open juce project file “xxx.jucer”
- Make any changes to the configure and build options.
- Save juce project if modified
- Hit “Save Project”
- Open Visual Studio solution file named “xxx.sln” in your Visual Studio.
- Select the build settings: “Release - x64” and set platform to x64(64bit). Otherwise, “Release - Win32” and set platform to x86(32bit).
- Build and deploy to plugin folder.
Mac OS X Build Instructions
- Clone this repository.
- Open a directory with the name regarding to the book numbering.
- Run “Projucer.app” executable included in “Juce” directory.
- Open juce project file “xxx.jucer”
- Make any changes to the configure and build options.
- Save juce project if modified
- Hit “Save Project”
- Open Xcode project file named “xxx.xcodeproj” in your Xcode.
- Select the architecture x64(64bit) or x86(32bit).
- On default setting, When build succeed and automatically deploy to plugin directory.
Technologies Used
- C++ for the language
- JUCE for the framework/library
- Steinberg VST SDK
- Visual Studio for the IDE